This Sunday our remembrance service will be led by Lesley Hartley. Please log in for a start at 10.50 so that we will be ready for a 2-minute silence at 11.
Ours will be a service about remembrance and loss - For those we miss. For things long gone. For those who or what we last held in our arms, in our hands, and in our hearts.
If you would like to share any memories with us please let us know during the service - you might like to light a candle for your memory. There will also be candles lit for each of you who shares a name or a memory.
If you would like the name of a loved one to be said during the service and would like someone else to say it, please let Lesley know by emailing her at'
Virtual Teas and Coffees in Edinburgh will be 10 minutes after the service finishes.