Help with Debt, Housing and Benefits
Edinburgh Council’s Benefits & Debt Advice Shop
If you have Benefits and Debt worries or problems, the City of Edinburgh Council provides:
help with welfare rights including income maximisation through welfare benefits, tax credits and grants
debt advice to resolve personal debt including credit cards, bank loans, rent arrears, personal loans, store cards, catalogues and mortgage arrears
help for people affected by cancer through information, advice and advocacy to access entitlements arising as a result of a cancer diagnosis and the extra costs of cancer.
Click to visit the website:
Or fill in this form to get debt or welfare benefits advice.
Advice Line opening times:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Tuesday 10am to 4.30pm
Friday 8.30am to 3.40pm
If you need urgent advice about benefits or debt, please call 0131 200 2360.
Citizen's Advice Edinburgh
Citizen's Advice can offer you free advice about:
Your Money - Debt, Employment, Benefits, Pensions and Tax
Your Family - Family, Health, Housing, Education
Your Daily Life - Phone, Broadband and Energy Costs, Consumer Affairs, Travel
Your Rights - Human Rights, Immigration, Legal Rights and Responsibilities
They can:
speak to you by phone to find out what the problem or problems are
help you negotiate with companies or service providers such as creditors or to appeal against decisions
help you write letters and/or phone companies and service providers on your behalf
help you prioritise your problems, for example, to sort out which debts are most important and should be paid first
help you with form filling, for example, to claim for welfare benefits
refer you to CAE specialist caseworkers for complex problems or to other agencies when appropriate.
Visit the Citizens Advice Edinburgh Website to access their regularly updated information systems for up to the minute information:
If you don’t live in Edinburgh contact Citizens Advice Scotland ( for details of your nearest service:
Support for Housing and Homelessness worries
Shelter Scotland
Shelter Scotland does not provide houses but does provide answers. From homelessness to homeowner, Shelter has housing advice for everyone.
Visit Shelter Scotland for more information and access to support.
Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay