You are welcome here.
Never has the need been greater for spiritual sustenance and connection to enriching community. Ours is a community of spiritual explorers, rooted in values that affirm unity, inclusivity, and acceptance. Together we seek to co-create a world where everyone is respected, cherished, and loved.
Next Service:
To join the service at 11am, use the link:
Join us for a chat
To attend virtual teas and coffees after the service, please either stay on the service link (but feel free to go off to get a drink) or log back in to the service link, 10 minutes after the service ends at:
If for any reason, you are logged out by accident, please just try logging back in on the above service link. Currently we are relying on a volunteer on the day to run our virtual cafe and if there is no volunteer, online teas and coffees may not happen. We will however do our best, as we know how much people value a chat after the service.